The Nissan GT-R is not new, but it has developed a reputation of being a Porshe killer. When the Hasselblad Users Group wanted to do a car shoot...I first offered to arrange a Pagini Zonda...but they felt that as this was our first car shoot for the group, perhaps a less exotic, but still interesting car might fit the bill. The GT-R does this trick. Superb car, and we were lucky to have Rebecca as the model who slithered on the car.
I don't normally do model photographs, but Rebecca was a pleasure to work with, so I thought I'd show these shots with GT-R as a prop.
Closeup on Rebecca's face
OK, back to the car....
OK, I lied...more to Rebecca on the car...I am not an expert on cars, so I let the pictures do the talking....first Rebecca with car...
Click on remainding pics for a 1920 pixel wide superwallpapers.
I did take many photographs of the car alone, but perhaps for another day, eh?
Many thanks to Raymond Kong for the use of your marvellous automobile. Apologies to we are a camera nut group, I left the photographs photoshop of anykind except for levels and resizing (and where appropriate, addition of frames)...except for the two car only photographs...which were photoshopped to death...muahahahahah (evil laugh).